Sunday, June 8, 2008

On the road (Bay) again

We finally got good weather and got out of Dodge (Solomons) last Thursday (5 Jun) with a major three hour cruise to Annapolis. We picked up a mooring ball about 100 yards from Ego Alley (name is very appropriate as everyone cruises the alley with their new boats and looking as good as one can) and felt like two little kids on their first trip to the city. There was stuff going on everywhere you looked. Kinda like being seated at center stage in a large theater in the round. At dark the east wind kicked up and the refracted waves made for a rolly night. Fri morning we moved up Spa Creek (in the heart of Annapolis to a much more placid mooring field. Fri evening we were treated to a magnificent dinner at THE Annapolis Yacht Club by Larry's cousin, Bill and his wife, Monica Kearns. A beautiful dining room overlooking a sea of boats in the harbor and most excellent food well presented.

Sat morning we moved out to the Severn River intending to head for Baltimore when the fog lifted per the forecast at 8AM. At 9 we retreated to the Annapolis Harbor and hung on a ball until 10:30 watching the fog thicken. At 11 with many large plastic wake makers cued to move out we retreated to Spa Creek once more for a lite lunch and a long nap. The thermometer rose to about 95 in the PM so we had opportunity to run the generator and A/C for four hours in a beautiful sunset setting. After a short thunder shower after dark the delightful aroma of honey suckle settled heavily over our little home on the creek.

Sunday dawned calm and clear for an almost perfect three hour run to Baltimore arriving before lunch. After anchoring by ourselves surrounded by waterfront condos in the Canton district , a stones throw from the Inner Harbor, Larry's internet list friends, Wayne and Lynn Flatt motored over for a first and delightful visit. The Flatts have cruised 40,000 miles and are a goldmine of information and beyond that just fun people. We plan join them for a hole in the wall dinner this evening at a near by bistro and then off tomorrow (Mon) to Havre de Grace and a waterborne trip down memory lane and the water playground of Larry's youth.

Pictures are posted at

Admiral's note: The Captain and crew have gotten into the cruising mode rather quickly this year. Just discovered that two sets of pictures full of adventures were not sent up nor noted. So now they are noted and sent up. The captions tell the story of all the excitement that you can't live without knowing. We are having a ball, enjoying it all, even the extreme heat ... well ........

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