This was really the first week of enjoyable boating weather and we really enjoyed touring the harbor in the dink and chatting with a number of boat crews headed north along our planned path. We met Canadian and Dutch cruisers and a very interesting couple who have been living aboard and cruising continuously for 14 years!!! Now that's compatibility.
We enjoyed the Memorial Day week-end mostly in the marina with lots of characters doing interesting things. Few of the big boats left the dock, possibly related to diesel price, but that did not slow down the parties.
Our highlight was a Memorial day afternoon BBQ at our Sunday School friends, Craig and Kim Williams' home. Their two daughters, Mike and Debbie Syders were there and the food was great. Quite a contrast with the marina crowd and certainly more fun. A wild game of croquet ensued with some wild shots by all participants.
The "To Do list" is about done and we are headed out tomorrow Wed 28th for an overnight in Mill Creek. Mainly to run all systems underway for awhile for a final check. The weather looks good so the quiet serenity of the anchorage will be welcomd.
"D" day is still 2-5 Jun, weather permitting, headed to Annapolis and then probably Baltimore to visit a friend from Larry's Trawler List on the internet. A real character and something to look forward to.
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